Annan Bally


Mafunzo ya kipekee yaliyofanyika katika Kampasi ya Mizengo Pinda yameleta mwanga mpya kwa wafanyakazi. Mafunzo hayo, yaliyoandaliwa na Ofisi ya Naibu Rais Mipango, Utawala na Fedha, yalilenga kuwajengea uwezo wafanyakazi katika ujazaji wa Mfumo wa Taarifa za Utendaji Kazi na Usimamizi wa Wafanyakazi wa Umma (PEPMIS). Afisa Tawala Mkuu, Ndugu Holymisidasi Njungani, aliongoza mafunzo hayo,...
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The Principal, Prof. Josiah Katani plays a pivotal role in overseeing the proceedings and ensuring that the committee’s recommendations align with the college’s standards and policies. The meeting likely took place at the MPCC Conference Hall within the campus. Held on March 18. 2024, has a crucial agenda to receive, consider, discuss, and recommend the odd semester examination results to the college board. This process...
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Katika jitihada za kuimarisha ubora wa elimu na utafiti, Bodi ya Ukaguzi ya Chuo Kikuu Cha Sokoine Cha Kilimo (SUA) ilifanya ziara ya kikazi kwenye Kampasi ya Mizengo Pinda tarehe 13 Machi 2024. Ziara hii ilikuwa na lengo la kukagua maendeleo na shughuli mbalimbali zinazoendelea kampasini, ikiwa ni pamoja na miradi mipya ya maendeleo. Wajumbe Waliotembelea, Dkt....
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At Mizengo Pinda Campus, second-year students of the Bee Resource Management course have taken a hands-on approach to learning. They have been actively involved in hive-cleaning activities at Vilolo Farm. One of the students, Simon Ritha Mruma, was photographed while meticulously cleaning a hive. This process is vital for maintaining the health of bee colonies...
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Chuo Kikuu Cha Sokoine Cha Kilimo (SUA), Kampasi Ya Mizengo Pinda Inawakaribisha Watu Wote Kutembelea Mabanda Ya Chuo Katika Maonesho Ya Thelathini Ya Wakulima, Wafugaji Na Wavuvi (NANE NANE)   Yanayo Fanyika Kitaifa  Katika Viwanja Vya John Mwakangale Jijini Mbeya Kuanzia Tarehe 01/08/2023 Wote Mnakaribishwa.            
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Students pursuing a certificate in tour guiding and hunting operation visited Katavi National Park for the purpose of  seeing and studying some of the Tanzania mammalian and fauna, as part of their course train Student on the Guided nature walks Students were able to take a guided nature walk in the forest and come in...
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